Dr. Bell is a highly qualified International Business and Financial Consultant, who assists successful individuals, firms and corporations to enter intelligently into lucrative international markets, which would otherwise be impossible to approach. By matching people and purpose, and by reciprocally interpreting the dynamics of the West with the languages and lifestyle of the East, Dr. Bell assists American interest in expansion abroad, and foreign investment in the United States. His innovative approach to merging ideas and people translates into real achievement and high profits.

Dr. Bell prides himself on being able to introduce buyer and seller, supplier and market, anywhere in the world through his extensive resource network. For three decades Dr. Bell has been helping businessmen meet their full potential and excel in the business community. For the past eleven years, he has been working from bases in Asia and the Western Pacific Basin, and has maintained a keen working knowledge of these areas. Combined with eight years experience as the Director and Principal of SEMIDA, CHANG AND BELL, INC., USA, he provides the expertise essential to a business seeking to impact United States, Asian and European markets.